ASTCT and EBMT are now accepting abstracts for the 2025 ASTCT + EBMT 4th Joint Basic and Translational Scientific Meeting that is taking place in Lisbon, Portugal on May 14–16, 2025. The abstract submission window has been extended to close Friday, March 7 at 4:59 p.m. CT (23:59h CET).
Submit an Abstract
Abstract Submission Criteria
Abstracts will be scored based on the following criteria:
- Importance and Relevance: Is a clear rationale for the work provided? Does the study address an important question? Do its findings have the potential to advance the field of blood and marrow or cellular therapies?
- Originality and Innovation: Is the work novel? Does it present new findings and/or address a problem using an original or improved approach?
- Quality of Methods and Writing: Are methods well described and valid to answer the question? Is the abstract clear and well written? Is the abstract within the 300-word limit?
Please note that the abstract submission form does not have a tracker for word count. We recommend that you prepare your abstract submission in a Word document to confirm that you stay within the 300-word limit.
The top-scoring abstracts will be selected as Oral Platform Presentations; top-scoring abstracts that are not selected for Oral Platforms might be selected as Distinguished Posters.
Responsibility of Abstract Authors
The Presenting Author is responsible for the following:
- Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors.
- Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions, and changes to the program, as may be communicated by the Joint ASTCT-EBMT Basic and Translational Scientific Retreats.
- Obtaining all of the conflict-of-interest disclosure information from co-authors.
- Making certain that abstracts are complete (tables included and labeled) and written in clear, concise and grammatically correct English, so that reviewers are able to focus solely on the scientific merits of the submission. For authors with any questions regarding the clarity, grammar or spelling of their abstract, we encourage identifying and using an independent reviewer to edit the abstract prior to submission.
Please contact education.events@ebmt.org with any questions regarding your submission.
Travel Grants
Eligible oral case or abstract presenters selected for the scientific programme of the Educational Event will receive an EBMT Travel Grant. The grant will cover registration fee costs, and a maximum reimbursement for travel and accommodation expenses.
Travel Grant Amounts
The maximum reimbursement will depend on the region of residence of the participant:
- Local (city/metropolitan area): no coverage (only free registration)
- National (country): up to 500 EUR
- European region: up to 800 EUR
- SWANA* region: up to 1,000 EUR
- International: up to 1,800 EUR
*Southwest Asia and North Africa