About the Course

The ASTCT Translational Science Training Course is a program for young researchers and scientists involved in bench and translational science in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cell therapy field. The course provides an opportunity for 9 scholars to work 1:1 with the course faculty through formal presentations and extensive follow-up dialogue and small-group discussion.

The development of each scholar’s specific aims page and chalk talk will be reviewed by peers and course faculty members with the common goal of refining research project into a “presentation ready” chalk talk. Throughout the course, our expert faculty will also share their experiences, career stories, and personal anecdotes.

Who Should Attend  

Early stage researchers and scientists involved in bench and translational science in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cell therapy field.

Objectives and Curriculum

The course was designed by the ASTCT Board of Directors in 2023 to fill an unmet gap within the Society to support our scientific community, specifically early stage bench researchers/scientists. The Translational Science Training Course was created to bridge these gaps and cultivate a more robust foundation for the future of scientific research and innovation. The course will feature a diverse range of didactic lectures, small group discussions, 1:1 time with statisticians, and career development advice sessions. Topics discussed in the course include how to give a chalk talk, making a statistical argument, writing grants, getting published and more.

Each participant will be expected to come to the course with a grant that will be developed in discussions with faculty and peers.

Course Eligibility

Applicants must be a MD and/or PhD scientist who is laboratory based and involved in basic and translational science in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation/cell therapy field. Eligible applicants should be in any career stage from senior graduate (PhD) student to Faculty at the instructor level or in their first year as an assistant professor.

The applicant must identify a local mentor with whom to work with to advise on the research project after the course. 

Submission Materials

  • Include the contact details of both the applicant and their mentor.
  • Ensure that a letter of recommendation is provided by the mentor. Please note that mentors must be members of ASTCT.
  • Biosketch: Please submit a biosketch. A curriculum vitae will not be accepted.
  • 1 page of specific aims.
  • 1 page of references.
  • Applications should be submitted in Arial, font size 11 with 1 inch margins.

Program Chairs


Catherine Bollard, MD, FRACP, FRCPA
Leslie S. Kean, MD, PhD